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Short Synopsis


In a society where eating human meat and drinking human milk is normal, a naive girl goes to help out at her cousin's farm for the weekend.


Mid Length


Leah an 18-year-old girl goes to help out at her cousin’s

farm for the weekend. However in this society it isn’t normal

to farm cows, pigs and sheep, they farm humans or as

they call Sapiens. Sapiens are feral people breed and

brought up like animals in captivity. Leah learns of the

ways the sapiens live and the secrets Johnny had been

hiding and she discovers the weekend isn’t what she had



Long Synopsis


Sapiens is a short film about the innocence and naivety of

a young eighteen-year-old girl called Leah who goes to help

out at her cousin’s farm for the weekend.


In this parallel society where Leah lives it is normal for

humans to be farmed instead of animals. Sapiens are feral,

enslaved humans breed for milk and meat.


Leah has grown up loving animals including sapiens just like her seven-year-old sister Millie but never truly understood how sapiens lived until that weekend on the dairy farm. Her naivety meant she never knew how 'human' they really where. Once Leah had grown a connection with one of the timid sapiens she realised that just because they can't speak and don't act like humans doesn't mean they don't have feelings and emotions. When Leah discovers that Johnny has been running the farm illegally and when she also finds out about all the distressing practices that go on at the farm, she knew she had to do something to help the sapiens, but she doesn’t want to hurt her cousin either.


That evening Leah over hears her cousin on the phone talking about slaughtering the sapien that she had grown close to. That conversation gave her the final motivation she needed to act. In the middle of the night Leah sneaks out to help set the sapien free, but will it be enough?


This sci-fi thriller is a story of innocence, slavery and reality.

© 2015 by MEGAN THOUME


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