I want to make a film I am passionate about and that has a meaning and a powerful message. I have always been interested in animal welfare but wanted to do it on a topic within that which is less known. I have always enjoyed making films, perhaps because it allows me to be organised meaning I can plan it well, but also so I can still have fun and experiment with it. I feel quite confident in understanding the process of making a short film and I love thinking a little differently and creating ideas that are a little more 'outside the box'. I like to play around with film and include documentary elements to make it more entertaining but still have a purpose for watching and I want to motivate people to change but subconsciously. I also want my audience to be active and feel like they want to make a change and I want my film to be educational as well as entertaining.
I'm unsure what my favourite element to film making is, but I do enjoy editing and directing, so I'm hoping for my film to be strong in those areas. The areas I feel I'm not so good at for example script writing (as I have never done it before), I want to learn and teach myself so that it doesn't let the rest of the film down.
Dairy Farm Cruelty
Not many people know about the cruelty that goes on in dairy farms. Keeping all the cruelty hidden means people can’t make a change. In my film I don’t want to expose all the issues that go on and shock people too much that they try to forget about it, but to make people second think and be active and go and research for themselves. Recently the amount of vegetarians and vegans has increased dramatically because people are starting to make a difference, people are beginning to become more aware of the cruelty and realising that buying the products is only making the cruelty continue, but there is still a long way to go yet.
Not only are dairy farms bad for the cows but the products are
bad for us too. If any living thing is kept in horrible conditions and
are depressed this can cause physical problems as well. For
example if a human is stressed this can cause stomach ulcers.
It is the same with animals and if you consume products from an
animal unethically treated this will mean you can get health
problems too.
Not only are the male calves shot soon after they’re born but
even the female calves are taken away from their mothers and
fed artificial milk so they can use the mother’s milk to sell. After
one year of being born the cows are inseminated so the cycle
can continue of having their babies shot or taken away, pumped
for milk and given tablets and then inseminated again. The
reason they are given tablets is to increase the amount of milk
they naturally would produce, which adds strain on the cows
and is painful. When they are young they also have their horns
horrifically removed by having them gouged out and then the gash burned with chemicals so the horns don’t regrow. This is all done with no aesthetic. The problem is this goes on at the ‘good’ farms. This is the dairy process. The problems get a lot worse in non free-range farms.
I have only mentioned a small selection of the cruelty that goes on and the sad thing is it doesn’t have to be done this way and a lot of the cruelty can be prevented. Animals have feelings they are living things not machines to make milk. That's why I wanted to make a film to make people not just except it all must be fine because it's legal but question how the animals must be feeling, if we don’t stand up for them no one else will.
Vegetarians are on the increase in Britain says new research | Health | Life & Style | Daily Express. 2015. Vegetarians are on the increase in Britain says new research | Health | Life & Style | Daily Express. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].
Cow's Milk: A Cruel and Unhealthy Product | Animals Used for Food: Factsheets | Animals Used for Food | The Issues | PETA. 2015. Cow's Milk: A Cruel and Unhealthy Product | Animals Used for Food: Factsheets | Animals Used for Food | The Issues | PETA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].
10 Dairy Facts the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know. 2015. 10 Dairy Facts the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].
Animal Aid: The suffering of farmed cattle. 2015. Animal Aid: The suffering of farmed cattle. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015]
Still Drinking Milk? This Massive Study Shows How Milk Actually Harms the Body | Spirit Science. 2015. Still Drinking Milk? This Massive Study Shows How Milk Actually Harms the Body | Spirit Science. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].
Vegetarian Society - Fact Sheet - Statistics - Industry Sales Figures . 2015. Vegetarian Society - Fact Sheet - Statistics - Industry Sales Figures . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].
Don't buy milk from Morrisons, Aldi, Lidl or Londis, say dairy farmers | Money | The Guardian. 2015. Don't buy milk from Morrisons, Aldi, Lidl or Londis, say dairy farmers | Money | The Guardian. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].
Dehorning: Dairy's Dark Secret | The Dairy Industry | Cows Used for Food | The Issues | PETA. 2015. Dehorning: Dairy's Dark Secret | The Dairy Industry | Cows Used for Food | The Issues | PETA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015].